Confessions of an Indie Publisher – was it all worth it?

I meant to post this last week, but was struck down by some nasty germs. I had to spend several days in bed, which is very unlike me.

Indie publishing, was it all worth it? Anyone who regularly reads my blog will know I still feel ambivalent about being an indie publisher-writer. So ambivalent, I’m not even sure what to call myself. I am a writer, not a publisher. I’d prefer not to have to think about everything from editing, proof reading, through to design and marketing. I’d prefer to be able to put all my energies into the story-telling and making. On the other hand, I do feel proud of the novel I have created and I am very, very pleased that it is in the hands of readers. 

I believe I have a rather rosy view of what it would be like to have an agent/publisher. I have certainly heard from other writers about poor experiences. I have heard about books which have languished in an agent’s hands, never to find a home with a publisher. Or writers who have been encouraged to re-write and re-write for successive publishers until they don’t recognise the book as their own, and still the publishing contract doesn’t arrive. Or then there’s the book which is traditionally published but isn’t given the publicity meaning it doesn’t reach the audience in any numbers. 

I took the path of indie publishing because: I turned fifty; after an apprenticeship of thirty years I felt I had written a novel which readers would want to read; I did not want to subject myself to more rejection from literary agents; and it was within my capabilities to go it alone. I know I will – as long as I am able – be a writer, I don’t know for how long I will continue to indie publish. I imagine I will be an ‘also ran’ within the current world of writing/publishing, what I want is to grasp – really know deep within myself – is that this is not a reflection on my writing.

Judge for yourself – do look at my novel, ‘The Art of the Imperfect, the first of a series of crime novels set in Scarborough,



4 thoughts on “Confessions of an Indie Publisher – was it all worth it?

  1. Annecdotist

    I suppose for most writers, whether published traditionally or independently, writing the novel is only half the story. We can all dream of big sales and prizes, but only a small proportion of published writers are so lucky. Whether or not you conclude that publishing your novel has been a success, you’re still a huge step further along than if you hadn’t – not only is your book out there and available but you’ve learnt from the experience.



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