The Very Inspiring Blog Award

Are blog awards like London buses, in that you wait ages for one and then two come at once? Of course if you’re outside London, you wait ages for a bus and then realise they only run on the 32nd of each month.

Anyway, the lovely Kate M Colby, bless her, has nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blog Award. Thank you Kate, read her blog here, it really is full of inspiring and interesting stuff for writers:

Award Guidelines:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  2. Display the award in a blog entry.
  3. List the award guidelines so your nominees will know what to do.index-very-inspiring-blogger-award
  4. State 7 things about yourself.
  5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.

Seven things about me

  1. I was once tear-gassed protesting against the National Front in Marseille, France.
  2. I love the sea.
  3. I need to write for my well-being.
  4. I love the Dixie Chicks.
  5. I am most creative in the morning but rarely write in my pyjamas.
  6. Forget the champagne, it’s tea and cakes any day for me.
  7. I once worked for The Women’s Press.

My nominees




14 thoughts on “The Very Inspiring Blog Award

  1. ofopinions

    Wow, that’s a really interesting life packed in seven sentences! I would love to know about your experiences in 1 and 7. Congratulations and thank you so much for the nomination! I agree wholeheartedly, tea and cakes are the best any day, any time!


    1. kateevans2013 Post author

      Thank you, I was glad to pass the nomination onto you. Well, 1 came when I was living in Marseille and Le Pen was coming to speak. I innocently went on the anti-NF march, not realising that the French police are pretty handy with the tear gas. Luckily other protesters were more experienced and dragged me into a near-by video store before any real damage was done. I was very scared, but it makes a good story some 17 years later. As for 7, when I returned to London after my stint abroad I had to find a job and The Women’s Press was looking for a receptionist. I took the opening. I’m very glad I did because I met some wonderful women and learned a heap about publishing.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Kate M. Colby

    Thanks so much for passing the award along! I agree with Amrita — you have some incredible stories in just seven sentences! Your street cred is definitely raised with the tear gas story. 🙂


  3. Lani

    Thanks for the nomination, Kate! I love your bus analogy! Dixie Chicks are, indeed, cool. I always identified with “Long Way Home”…


  4. Pingback: Its award seaon and I have nothing to wear. | Life, the Universe and Lani

  5. Pingback: The Very Inspiring Blogger Award | Of Opinions

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